Slender Scots Pine

A pine that I bought as “light” yamadori from the Sirotný family was from a garden planter that a lady had for about 15 years. This was their rough estimate so it could be around 18 years old now and has some decent bark on most of the tree. I really didn’t know how to create an apex on this tree initially but I believed that with some good horticulture, back-budding would occur and the apex would eventually come.


I’m quite happy with the direction this tree is going in and also the fact that it began as such humble material.

Have a great day.


Colorado Spruce first wiring

Why hello there. I’ve been busy as of late but it’s been another prolonged period without a post so here we go.

I got this tree for a great price from a local nursery in Brno called Carex. They tend to have some good evergreen pieces that are meant to be garden trees but could make interesting bonsai as well. I took a crack at such a piece.

It was re-potted this spring and it recovered quite well and therefore applying some wire and beginning the journey seemed like a good idea.



The poor fella was probably in the same container & soil for years. This was the beginning of April this year with the new buds getting ready to burst



The right branch will probably go in the future but I need it now to push the tree forward, health-wise. A high Alpine tree is what I am eventually going for.

I hope you’re enjoying the fall!
